The More the Merrier (1943)
“The More the Merrier”(1943) IMDb starring Jean Arthur, Joel McCrea and Charles Coburn is indeed a merry little tale set in war-time Washington. A severe housing shortage in the city serves as the pretext for throwing together the unlikely trio. The well put together Miss Constance Milligan finds herself discombobulated by her two new housemates in more ways than one. Chaos ensues that ends with
a complete reconfiguration of living arrangements and relationship status. As they say, “All’s well that ends well.” The mores of the times on display in this romantic comedy might be considered quaint these days. However, once you are ready to entertain the pretense of the whole scenario, there really are some funny bits to be enjoyed.
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Catch a video excerpt of the "front steps" scene from "The More the Merrier" (1943)

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