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Dear Frankie (2004)

“Dear Frankie” (2004) IMDb is a real gem starring Jack McElhone as a young deaf boy and Emily Mortimer as his mom. Gerard Butler is the stranger who is brought into the picture in order to play the role of Frankie’s “dad” for a day. Things have a way of getting kind of complicated when the adults involved find they have to bend over backwards in order to maintain the charade for Frankie’s benefit. It’s a lovely tale told with much care and compassion for the plight of the single mom who tries to do her best with a very difficult dilemma.

TVO producer, Thom Ernst talks on his blog. about how this unusual and charming film came to be screened on SNAM.

See the TVO interview related to "Dear Frankie", in which the issue of telling lies in order to protect children is examined.

Also screened on on the same evening was another film reviewed on Midnight Oil, "East of Eden" (1955).

>>Real Life Story: Shannon deals with her fatherless childhood and leaves an abusive relationship.

>>More to see: Looking for more out of life?

See the video trailer for "Dear Frankie" (2004).


Posted on Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 08:00AM by Registered CommenterCatherine Savard | CommentsPost a Comment

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