Giant (1956) and September 30, 1955 (1977)
Thursday, September 29, 2005 at 11:05AM
Catherine Savard

Where ya headed, Jimmy Dean?

On the 50th anniversary of actor James Dean's death in a fatal car crash, TVO presented two films.  The first," Giant" casts Jimmy Dean in a starring role. The second film, "September 30th, 1955" is a movie about the impact of the death of the film icon on a group of young adults.

GIANT big marquis JD car.JPG








Giant cowgirl cowboy.jpeg


"So, you wanna be my cowboy?" Liz Taylor and Rock Hudson in "Giant"






Sept.30 1955 Rebel JD red jacket.jpg

The famous red jacket from "Rebel without a Cause".  Richard Thomas takes on his idol's identity at the end of "September 30, 1955", wearing a red jacket and white t-shirt and riding off into the sunset on his new motorcycle.


James Dean, an icon of youth and rebellion










Giant Jimmy Dean noose.gif

Article originally appeared on Midnight Oil: Movies and More (
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